Cristian Paziuc
Cristian graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest in 2010. In 2011, he received an LLM degree in Private Law from the University of Bucharest. In 2015, Cristian was awarded an LLM degree (with Distinction) in Law and Economics from University College London, where he studied economic analysis of law, comparative contract law, international arbitration, comparative US antitrust and EU competition law and the law and economics of competition. Cristian was awarded a PhD with the highest grade (Excellent) by the University of Bucharest in 2018, following the successful completion and presentation of his thesis on contractual liability.
Between 2010 and 2018, Cristian was a research associate with the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest (Department of Private Law), coordinating seminars on civil law (property rights and the general theory of obligations between 2010 and 2012; the general theory of civil law and the law of persons from 2013 to 2018). Since 2018, Cristian has held the position of assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest. He has published journal articles and case comments in the fields of civil law and EU law, including:
- Comment on the ECJ judgment in case C-402/09 (reference for a preliminary ruling on the compatibility of the pollution tax charged on the first registration of motor vehicles with EU law on the free movement of goods), Revista română de jurisprudență (Romanian Case Law Review) no. 2/2011;
- Comment on the ECJ judgment in case C-61/08 (declaration of infringement of EU law on the freedom of establishment by the Hellenic Republic, by providing a nationality requirement for acceding to the notary profession), Revista română de jurisprudență (Romanian Case Law Review) no. 3/2011;
- Probleme teoretice și practice privind conversiunea actului juridic civil, Revista română de drept privat (Romanian Review of Private Law) no. 4/2011;
- Răspunderea contractuală și sistemul remediilor pentru neexecutarea obligațiilor contractuale, Revista română de drept privat (Romanian Review of Private Law) no. 1/2015;
- Prejudiciul previzibil în materie contractuală: o analiză economică, comparată și de drept pozitiv român, Revista română de drept privat (Romanian Review of Private Law) no. 6/2015;
- Remoteness of Damage in Contract and Its Functional Equivalents: A Critical Economic Approach, UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, vol. 5, issue 1 (2016);
- Dreptul la acțiune și răspunderea contractuală, Revista rămână de drept privat (Romanian Review of Private Law) no. 4/2018;
- Tăcerea este de aur? Despre îndatorirea de informare ca premisă a dolului prin reticență, Revista rămână de drept privat (Romanian Review of Private Law) no. 1/2019.
In 2019, Cristian published his PhD thesis (Răspunderea contractuală. O analiză juridică și economică, Universul Juridic, București, 2019).
Cristian has given presentations/lectures, among other subjects, on property rights in the new Civil Code (in 2011, as part of a conference organised by the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration), the attachment of bank accounts (in 2013, as part of a conference on banking law organised by Răzvan Dincă & Asociații and Rizoiu & Asociații) and the law of contracts (in various conferences/seminars taking place in Romania or abroad). His research interests concern, primarily, civil law and the economic analysis of law.
In 2012, as part of a project initiated by the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration, Cristian was actively involved in the drafting of new land book regulations, designed to accommodate the legislative changes brought about by the new Civil Code.
Professionally, Cristian has benefitted greatly from his development within two of the best law firms in Romania, Stoica & Asociații and Răzvan Dincă & Asociații. Until 2012, Cristian was a trainee attorney with Stoica & Asociații. Between 2012 and 2015, he was, successively, an associate, senior associate and partner with Răzvan Dincă & Associates. In 2015, he set up his own practice, which eventually merged with Mihnea’s to form Paziuc & Jida in 2017.
Cristian has advised, represented and assisted major clients from a wide range of industries and from various jurisdictions such as Romania, the UK, Austria, Germany, France and Italy. Some of Cristian’s representative project are:
- Advising a major Austrian contractor of infrastructure works, especially in the energy industry, on various matters of Romanian contract law;
- Advising a major German bank on matters of Romanian real estate, contract and administrative law;
- Advising a number of European contractors of civil and industrial infrastructure works on matters of Romanian contract law, in relation to contracts subject to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract, with the analyses provided being used successfully in international arbitration proceedings;
- Advising and representing two major international manufacturers of medicines in patent infringement cases in Romania;
- Advising and representing a leading European ecommerce company in trademark infringement cases;
- Representing leading local firms in industries such as medicines and food products in trademark infringement cases;
Mihnea Jida
In 2012, Mihnea graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest, which subsequently granted him a scholarship to attend the Master of Laws in Cross-Cultural Business Practice (LL.M) organized by the Universities of Fribourg, Bern and Neuchâtel. In 2013, Mihnea graduated magna cum laude from this academic course, which comprised subjects such as comparative contract law, arbitration, private international law, intercultural business negotiation, corporate governance and intellectual property law.
Since 2012, Mihnea has been practicing law as a member of the Bucharest Bar Association and has been part of top litigation teams such as those of Răzvan Dincă & Asociații (2012-2014) and Popovici Niţu Stoica & Asociații (2015-2016). The experience gained by dealing with important projects in these valuable collectives enabled him to start his own practice in 2016, which eventually merged with Cristian’s in 2017.
Mihnea’s international experience also comprises the participation in 2015 at the International Internship organised by the Paris Bar Association, as a result of a scholarship jointly granted by this association and the French Embassy in Bucharest, in cooperation with the Romanian Bar Association. For a period of two months, Mihnea attended the classes of EFB (L’Ecole de Formation du Barreau de Paris) and worked as an intern for Three Crowns LLP at its offices in Paris, becoming familiar with investment arbitration and international commercial arbitration at their highest level. In the same context, Mihnea participated in the Mario Stasi international pleading contest and qualified for its final, where he was honoured to receive the jury’s special price.
From a professional standpoint, Mihnea has been involved in various projects such as:
- Successfully representing clients in public procurement proceedings, either by preserving the result of the procedure or by annulling it;
- Advising and representing major foreign road infrastructure developers in pre-arbitral and arbitral proceedings against the local state-owned employer;
- Successfully representing clients in real estate disputes, including property recovery and protection or denial of in rem rights;
- Advising a local leader in the luxury food services sector in matters regarding its business both in Romania and across Europe;
- Representing a leading Romanian construction company in multiple public procurement related disputes;
- Advising and representing a major investment fund – minority shareholder in multiple state-controlled companies – in both corporate and administrative disputes;
- Successfully representing a state-controlled company in obtaining a provisional stay of the enforcement measures directed against it;
- Advising a major foreign investor on corporate and contractual matters pertaining to a dispute arising from the development of a real estate project;
- Successfully representing a leading local bank in various disputes (debt recovery, real estate and multiple contractual related disputes).